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[private tour] Alchemical Boboli path

120€ per person

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The duke’s alchemical path at the Boboli garden: “As in heaven so on earth”

With “Alchemical boboli path” we will understand how Boboli garden has its own internal, hidden logic with a beginning and an end: The idea of the Medici dukes was a simbolic initiatory path of knowledge according to the principles of alchemical doctrine.

Alchemy was based on the belief that there are four basic elements in nature: air, fire, water and earth. It is an ancient practice shrouded in mystery and secrecy. It aims to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects.

Starting an alchemic path presupposes the conscious will to achieve an improvement in the inner life, which can then make our contribution better externally.

Improving, purifying, raising, these are terms common to the alchemical path, they are objectives that the initiate must strive for in a dual sphere, inner and exterior.

In this sense the florentine dukes creates an alchemical path in their garden in order to guarantee their evolution (material and spiritual).

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    • Departure
      In front of Pitti Palace entrance - Florence
    • Departure Time
      Time to be agreed according to your preferences
    • Return Time
      2 hours later
    • Included
      [private tour] Alchemical Boboli path


    In front of Pitti Palace entrance - Florence

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